Journal of Daoist Studies

於 2019年2月7日 (四) 16:23 由 Chishing.lee討論 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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Journal of Daoist Studies是一本在2008年創刊,並由夏威夷大學出版社出版的年度刊物,致力於從各個不同面向對道教進行學術探究。每期都有三個主要部分:關於歷史、哲學、藝術、社會等的學術論文(8,500字為限);關於中國和世界其他地區當前活動議題的當代實踐論壇(5000字為限);和新聞領域、出版刊物、論文、會議和網站。


協調人︰Livia Kohn(孔維雅)、James Miller(苗建時)、Robin Wang(王蓉蓉)

編輯委員會︰Robert Allinson(愛蓮心)、Shawn Arthur、Friederike Assandri(李可)、Brigitte Baptandier(貝桂菊)、Bede Bidlack(畢智山)、Stephan Peter Bumbacher、Joshua Capitanio、Alan K. L. Chan(陳錦樑)、Shin-yi Chao(趙昕毅)、Chen Xia(陳霞)、Kenneth Cohen、Paul Crowe(高保羅)、Paul D』Ambrosio(德安博)、Donald Davis、Catherine Despeux(戴思博)、Jeffrey Dippmann、Galia Dor、Ute Engelhardt、Stephen Eskildsen(蘇德樸)、Georges Favraud、Elisabeth Friedrichs、Norman Girardot(吉瑞德)、Jonathan Herman、Adeline Herrou(謝道琳)、Shih-shan Susan Huang(黃士珊)、P. J. Ivanhoe(艾文賀)、Jia Jinhua(賈晉華)、Jiang Sheng(姜生)、Kang Xiaofei(康笑菲)、Paul Katz(康豹)、Terry Kleeman(祁泰履)、Louis Komjathy(康思奇)、Ronnie Littlejohn、Liu Xun(劉迅)、Lü Xichen(呂息琛)、Victor Mair(梅維恆)、Mark Meulenbeld(梅林寶)、Thomas Michael、Hans-Georg Moeller、Christine Mollier(穆瑞明)、Harrison Moretz、David Palmer(宗樹人)、Fabrizio Pregadio(玄英)、Michael Puett(普鳴)、James Robson(羅柏松)、Harold D. Roth(羅浩)、N. Harry Rothschild、Robert Santee、Elijah Siegler、Sharon Y. Small、Thomas E. Smith、Richard Wang(王崗)、Michael Winn、Yao Ping(姚平)



  • Friederike Assandri:Laozi’s Eclipse and Comeback: The Narrative Frame of the Benji jing
  • Stephen Eskildsen:Do Immortals Kill?: The Controversy Surrounding Lü Dongbin
  • Louis Komjathy:Mapping the Daoist Body, Part One: The Neijing tu in History
  • Robert Santee:Stress Management and the Zhuangzi
  • James D. Sellmann:Establishing the Altar: The Realized Writ of the Announcement Rite in the Grand Jiao
  • Xun Liu:Profile of a Quanzhen Doctor: Abbot Huang Zongsheng of Wuhan’s Monastery of Eternal Spring
  • Scott P. Phillips:Portrait of an American Daoist: Charles Belyea / Liu Ming
  • Robin R. Wang:Daoists on the Southern Marchmount
  • Michael Rinaldini:How I Became a Daoist Priest
  • Livia Kohn:Grand Offering in Hong Kong
  • Elijah Siegler:Field Notes: Taoist Tai Chi Society & Fung Loy Kok Temple
  • Michael Winn:Daoist Neidan: Lineage and Secrecy Challenges for Western Adepts


  • Taehyun Kim:Reading Zhuangzi Eco-Philosophically
  • Shawn Arthur:Eating Your Way to Immortality: Early Daoist Self-Cultivation Diets
  • Louis Komjathy:Mapping the Daoist Body, Part Two: The Text of the Neijing Tu
  • Volker Olles:Lord Lao’s Mountain: From Celestial Master Daoism to Contemporary Daoist Practice
  • Wan-Li Ho:Daoist Nuns in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Gaoxiong Daode yuan
  • Harrison Moretz:The Dao Is Not for Sale
  • Michael Winn:Daoist Methods of Dissolving the Heart-Mind
  • Charlotte Furth:Exploring Daoist Women’s Meditation
  • Yang Lizhi, Todd Stoll, Chen Mei:Mt. Wudang and Daoism
  • Brian L. Kennedy, Elizabeth Nai-Jia Guo:Taiwanese Daoist Temple Parades and their Martial Motifs


  • Alan K. L. Chan:Affectivity and the Nature of the Sage: Gleanings from A Tang Daoist Master
  • Norman Harry Rothschild:Wu Zhao and the Queen Mother of the West
  • Shih-Shan Susan Huang:Daoist Imagery of Body and Cosmos, Part 1: Body Gods and Starry Travel
  • Kenneth R. Robinson:Daoist Geographies in Three Korean World Maps
  • Adeline Herrou:A Day in the Life of Daoist Monk
  • Elliot Cohen:Psychology and Daoism: Resisting Psychologization—Assisting Dialogue
  • Seth Harter:Practice in the Classroom: To Taiji or Not to Taiji
  • Mark Johnson:Ni Hua-Ching’s Americanization of the 「Eternal Breath of Dao」
  • Elena Valussi:Women’s Qigong in America: Tradition, Adaptation, and New Trends
  • Jean DeBernardi:Wudang Mountain and the Modernization of Daoism


  • Jeongsoo Shin:From Paradise to Garden: The Construction of Penglai and Xuanpu
  • Shih-Shan Susan Huang:Daoist Imagery of Body and Cosmos, Part 2: Body Worms and Internal Alchemy
  • Stephen Jackowicz:Daoist Incantations for Acupuncture
  • M. Cristina Zaccarini:Daoist-inspired Healing in Daily Life: Lü Dongbin and the Multifaceted Roles of Chinese Barbers
  • Georges Favraud:A Daoist Career in Modern China: Wang Xin』an of the Southern Peak1
  • Mary I. Bockover:Daoism, Ethics, and Faith: The Invisible 「Goodness」 of Life
  • Bill Hulet:Daoism in the West: Following Buddhist and Christian Models?
  • Imke Bock-Möbius:Daoism and Entirety in Quantum Physics
  • Mary Kay Ryan:Infusing Chinese Medicine with Spirit: Daoism, Shamanism, & Chinese Medicine in the Modern World
  • Rita Egizii:Daoist Principles as a Solution for Sustainable Business
  • Suzanne Cahill:What to Fear and How to Protect Yourself: Daoism and Hong Kong Horror Movies


  • Jennifer Lundin Ritchie:Guodian Laozi and Taiyi Sheng Shui: A Cognitive Science Reading
  • Lucas Weiss:Rectifying the Deep Structures of the Earth: Sima Chengzhen and the Standardization of Daoist Sacred Geography in the Tang
  • Paul Crowe:Nature, Motion, and Stillness: Li Daochun’s Vision of the Three Teachings
  • Ian Johnson:Two Sides of a Mountain: The Modern Transformation of Maoshan1
  • Bede Benjamin Bidlack:Alchemy and Martial Arts: Wang Yannian’s Gold Mountain Daoism1
  • Yves Réquéna:The Biochemistry of Internal Alchemy: Decapitating the Red Dragon
  • Dylan Bolles, Lynette Hunter:Scoring Daoist Energy: A Rhetoric of Collaboration1
  • Felix Breuer:Feldenkrais』 Spontaneous Action and Laozi’s Wuwei
  • Patricia Eichenbaum Karetzky:Daoist Themes by Female Artists
  • Sung-Hae Kim:The Gourd of Small Penglai: Environmental Ethics in Quanzhen Poetry


  • Galia Dor:The Chinese Gate: A Unique Void for Inner Transformation
  • Mihwa Choi:Materializing Salvation: A Liturgical Program and Its Agenda
  • Elmar Oberfrank:Secretly Transmitted Direct Pointers to the Great Elixir
  • Daniel M. Murray, James Miller:The Daoist Society of Brazil and the Globalization of Orthodox Unity Daoism
  • Xu Liying:Daoist Temples in Modern City Life: The Singapore City God Temple
  • Sharon Small:New Visions of the Zhuangzi
  • Michael M. Tophoff:Daoist Principles in the Martial Arts: Their Relevance for Illness Prevention
  • Adam D. Frank:Enacting a Daoist Aesthetic through Taiji quan Training
  • Gerhard Milbrat, Knut Gollenbeck:Daoist Cultivation in the Zhongnan Mountains
  • Steve Jackowicz:Om Mani Padme Hum in Daoist Revision
  • Jeanne White:Flowing in Life with the Yijing


  • Paul D』Ambrosio:Blending Dao: An Analysis of Images in the Daode jing
  • Thomas E. Smith:The Many Faces of Master Redpine
  • David Boyd:The 「Other」 Dao in Town: Early Lingbao Polemics on Shangqing
  • Paul Crowe:Dao Learning and the Golden Elixir: Shared Paths to Perfection
  • Paul Van Enckevort:The Three Treasures: An Enquiry into the Writings of Wu Shouyang
  • Eske J. Møllgaard:Sage-Knowledge and Equality in the Zhuangzi
  • E. Leslie Williams:Becoming One with the Dao: Meditation in Daode jing and Dōgen
  • Kenneth S. Cohen:Spirit and Life in Balance: Zhao Bichen’s Lasting Influence on Qigong and the Martial Arts
  • Ju Keyi, Lü Xianlong, Denis Mair:Tiandi jiao: The Daoist Connection
  • Christopher Cott:Interviewing Daoist Masters: A Reality Check
  • Martin Schönfeld:Laozi and the New Green Paradigm


  • Paul Fischer:The Creation of Daoism
  • Thomas Michael:Ge Hong’s Xian: Private Hermits and Public Alchemists
  • Ping Yao:Changing Views on Sexuality in Early and Medieval China
  • Patricia Eichenbaum Karetzky:The Transformations of Xuanwu/Zhenwu
  • Guo Wu:The Record of Purity and Brightness: Versions and Contents
  • Lai Chi-Tim:The Cult of Spirit-Writing in the Qing: The Daoist Dimension
  • Livia Kohn:The Inspirational Laozi: Poetry, Business, and the Blues
  • David Mclachlan Jeffrey:Daoist Wisdom for Teachers: A Diary Study
  • Brian Hoffert:Beyond Life and Death: Zhuangzi’s Great Awakening
  • Denis Mair:A Storehouse of Changes
  • Hirsh Diamant, Steve Jackowicz:Daoist Martial Alchemy: The Yijin jing at the Tongbai Gong
  • Michael Saso:The Daoist Jiao Celebration


  • Erica Brindley:Spontaneous Arising: Creative Change in the Hengxian
  • Steven Burik:Comparative Resources: Continental Philosophy and Daoism
  • Friederike Assandri:Stealing Words: Intellectual Property in Medieval China
  • Shu-Wei Hsieh:Possession and Ritual: Daoist and Popular Healing in Taiwan
  • Georges Favraud:Immortals』 Medicine: Daoist Healers and Social Change1
  • Marnix Wells:Daoism Not as We Know It
  • Scott Park Phillips, Daniel Mroz:Daoyin Reimagined: A Comparison of Three Embodied Traditions
  • Andrew Colvin:Nonaction and the Art of Blending: Daoist Principles in Aikido
  • David Hessler:Teaching with Dao
  • Avery Morrow:How Not To Be Thinged By Things
  • Yanxia Zhao:Daoist Longevity and the Aging Society


  • Yumin Ao, Ulrich Steinvorth:Zhuangzi and Wittgenstein on the Self
  • Thomas E. Smith:Xu Mi’s Network: A Different Perspective on Early Higher Clarity Daoism
  • Patricia Eichenbaum Karetzky:The Formation of a Daoist Pictorial Iconography in the Tang: New Images from the Longmen Caves
  • Shih-shan Susan Huang:Daoist Seals: Part 1: Activation and Fashioning
  • Ekaterina Zavidovskaia:Daoist Ritual Manuals in Vietnam: Activating Stars and Trigrams
  • John Leonard:Daoist Literary Criticism
  • Esmaeil Radpour:Daoist Views of the Dream State
  • Wang Xiaoyang, Bao Yan, Livia Kohn:Ways to Immortality: In Popular and Daoist Tales
  • Steve Jackowicz:Physics, Physicality, and Physiology: The Foundation of Daoist Self-Cultivation
  • Ron Catabia:Daoism and Peace Psychology
  • Livia Kohn:The American Transformation of Daoist Cultivation
  • Wei Yanli, Livia Kohn:The Caishan Goddess Temple: Then and Now


  • Sharon Y. Small:A Daoist Exploration of Shenming
  • Gabriele Libera:Losing What "Me"?: An Existentialist Look at the Ego in the Zhuangzi
  • Shih-Shan Susa Huang:Daoist Seals, Part 2: Classifying Different Types
  • Ilia Mozias:Immortals and Alchemists: Spirit-Writing and Self-Cultivation in Ming Daoism
  • Ekaterina Zavidovskaia:Daoist Ritual Manuals in Vietnam: Self-Cultivation, Cosmic Steps, and Healing Talismans
  • Ashley South:Daoism and Peacebuilding: Toward an Agenda for Research and Practice
  • Jeffrey Meyer:A Call to China: Daoism in Modern American Fiction
  • Yunrou:YIN: A Love Story: Daoist Fiction by a Taiji Master
  • Ron Catabia:Dantian Cultivation and the Hard Problem of Consciousness
  • Şerban Toader:A Romanian Spiritual Seeker's Growth: From SciFi Readings to Neidan
  • Donald D. Davis:Meditation, Taijiquan and Qigong: Evidence for Their Impact on Health and Longevity