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'''學報總監''':Verellen, Franciscus [[ 傅飛嵐 ]] [[ 黎志添]]
'''書評編輯''':Mozina, David 莫達夫、 [[ 謝世維]]
'''編輯委員''':Bokenkamp, Stephen [[ 柏夷 ]] 、Goossaert, Vincent [[ 高萬桑 ]] 、Katz, Paul R. [[ 康豹 ]] [[ 劉迅 ]] 、Palmer, David A. [[ 宗樹人 ]] [[ 王見川 ]] [[ 王宗昱 ]] [[ 游子安]]
'''顧問委員''':Barrett, Tim 巴瑞、 [[ 陳耀庭 ]] 、Dean, Kenneth [[ 丁荷生 ]] [[ 蜂屋邦夫 ]] 、Kleeman, Terry [[ 祁泰履 ]] [[ 小林正美 ]] 、Kohn, Livia [[ 科恩 ]] 、Lagerwey, John [[ 勞格文 ]] [[ 李豐楙 ]] [[ 森由利亞 ]] [[ 麥谷邦夫 ]] [[ 卿希泰 ]] 、Schipper, Kristofer [[ 施舟人 ]] 、Sivin, Nathan [[ 席文 ]] 、Verellen, Franciscus 傅飛嵐、Von Falkenhausen, Lothar 羅泰、 [[ 余國藩]]
==各期目錄== ===第一期 (二零零九 (2009 年)===* Ursula-Angelika Cedzich [[ 蔡霧溪 ]] :《千二百官儀》及其神祇* Monica Esposito [[ 莫尼卡 ]] :[[道藏輯要]]研究計劃:一部道藏的變遷
===第二期 (二零一零 (2010 年)===* Barbara Hendrischke [[ 芭芭拉‧亨德施克 ]] :Early Daoist Ideas on Political Practice: How to Select and Control Government Officials
* Terry Kleeman 祁泰履:Authority and Discipline in the Early Daoist Church
* James Robson [[ 羅柏松 ]] :The Institution of Daoism in the Central Region (Xiangzhong)of Hunan* Christine Mollier [[ 穆瑞明 ]] :Iconizing the Daoist-Buddhist Relationship: Cliff Sculptures in Sichuan during the Reign of Tang Xuanzong* [[[ 尹翠琪 ]] :道教版畫研究:大英圖書館藏《 [[ 玉樞寶經 ]] 》四註本之年代及插畫考* [[ 吳真 ]] :華北地方社會中的全真道士:以 [[ 華山法派 ]] 賡續與公共廟宇經營為中心* [[ 志賀市子 ]] :地方道教之形成:廣東地區 [[ 扶鸞 ]] 結社運動之興起與演變(1838-1953)
===第三期 (二零一一 (2011 年)===
* Nathan Sivin 席文:Health Care and Daoism
* Luk Yu-ping 陸於平:Picturing Celestial Certificates in Zhengyi Daoism: A Case Study of the Ordination Scroll of Empress Zhang(1493)
* [[ 許蔚 ]] :〈如意丹方〉與[[淨明道]]醫藥傳統的生成
* Stephen Jones:Yinyang: Household Daoists of North China and Their Rituals
===第四期 (二零一二 (2012 年)===
* Elena Valussi:Printing and Religion in the Life of Fu Jinquan: Alchemical Writer, Religious Leader and Publisher in Sichuan
* Barbara Hendrischke 芭芭拉‧亨德施克:Religious Ethics in the Taiping jing: The Seeking of Life
*梅莉:從民國年間漢口的四次登記看地方政府對 [[ 火居道士 ]] 的管理
* [[ 郭武 ]] :關於牛津大學圖書館藏瑤族文獻的調查報告
===第五期 (二零一三 (2013 年)===
* Gilles Boileau:The Sage Unbound: Ritual Metaphors in the Daode jing
* Vincent Goossaert 高萬桑:The Local Politics of Festivals in Hangzhou, 1850-1950
*陶金:蘇州《大洞無上九極天仙傳戒科儀》初探 一個清代北京與江南文人乩壇交互影響的案例
* Maggie C.K. Wan 尹翠琪:Picturing the True Form: Daoist Visual Culture in Traditional China, by Shih-Shan Susan Huang
* Mark Meulenbeld [[ 梅林寶 ]] :The Ming Prince and Daoism: Institutional Patronage of an Elite, by Richard G. Wang
* Joshua Capitanio:Signs from the Unseen Realm: Buddhist Miracle Tales from Early Medieval China, by Robert Ford Campany
* Gil Raz [[ 李福 ]] :Empowered Writing: Exorcistic and Apotropaic Rituals in Medieval China, by Stephan Peter Bumbacher
* Ori Tavor:The Emergence of Daoism: Creation of Tradition, by Gil Raz
* Mark Meulenbeld 梅林寶:The Religious Question in Modern China, by Vincent Goossaert and David Palmer
* [[ 高振宏 ]] :吳真著,《 [[ 為神性加注:唐宋[[ 葉法善]] 崇拜的造成史 ]]
*謝世維:The Heavenly Court Daoist Temple Painting in China, 1200-1400, by Lennert Gesterkamp
* [[ 酒井規史 ]] [[ 李志鴻 ]] 著,《 [[ 道教天心正法研究 ]] 》 * [[ 蕭進銘 ]] :郭武著,《[[丘處機學案]] 學案
===第六期 (二零一四 (2014 年)===
* Barbara Hendrischke 芭芭拉‧亨德施克:Options for Molding Ming (Fate) in the Scripture on Great Peace
* Yuria Mori 森由利亞:Ritual Words: Daoist Liturgy and the Confucian Liumen Tradition in Sichuan Province, by Volker Olles
* Michael Stanley-Baker:Declarations of the Perfected. Part One: Setting Scripts and Images into Motion, by Thomas E. Smith
*許蔚:謝聰輝著,《 [[ 新天帝之命:[[ 玉皇]] [[ 梓潼]] 與飛鸞 ]] 》 * [[ 張超然 ]] :謝世維著,《 [[ 大梵彌羅:中古時期道教經典當中的佛教 ]] 》 *許蔚: [[ 蓋建民 ]] 著,《 [[ 道教金丹派南宗考論:道派、歷史、文獻與思想綜合研究 ]] 》 *李龢書:劉屹著,《 [[ 敦煌道經與中古道教 ]]
===第七期 (二零一五 (2015 年)===
* Daniel Burton-Rose:A Prolific Spirit: Peng Dingqiu’s Posthumous Career on the Spirit Altar, 1720–1906
* Jihyun Kim [[ 金志炫 ]] :The Invention of Traditions: With a Focus on Innovations in the Scripture of the Great Cavern in Ming-Qing Daoism
* Elena Valussi:The Transmission of the Cult of Lü Dongbin to Sichuan in the Nineteenth Century, and the Transformation of the Local Religious Milieu
* [[ 丸山宏 ]] :清朝道光年間金蓋山呂祖道壇所創造之經典初探:以《玉清贊化九天演政心印集經》、《玉清贊化九天演政心印寶懺》為中心之探討
* Richard G. Wang [[ 王崗 ]] :Liu Yuanran and Daoist Lineages in the Ming
* Tobias Benedikt Zürn:The Huainanzi and Textual Production in Early China, edited by Sarah A. Queen and Michael Puett
*謝聰輝: [[ 劉仲宇 ]] 著,《 [[ 道教授籙制度研究 ]]
===第八期 (二零一六 (2016 年)===
*前言:Franciscus Verellen and Vincent Goossaert
* Franciscus Verellen 傅飛嵐:Lu Xiujing (406–477) on Daoist Practice: Ten Lessons in The Way and its Virtue
* Yuria Mori 森由利亞:Tracing Back Wang Changyue’s Precepts for Novices in the History of Daoism
* Brigitte Baptandier [[ 貝桂菊 ]] :Writing as a Threshold between the Worlds: Glyphomancy in China
* James A. Benn:Demonic Warfare: Daoism, Territorial Networks, and the History of a Ming Novel, by Mark R. E. Meulenbeld
* Adeline Herrou:Quanzhen Daoists in Chinese Society and Culture, 1500–2010, edited by Xun Liu and Vincent Goossaert
*張鵬:柏夷著,《 [[ 道教研究論集 ]] 》 * [[ 曹凌 ]] [[ 姜守誠 ]] 著,《 [[ 出土文獻與早期道教 ]]》 <br> ===第九期(2017年)==='''論文'''*Lennert Gesterkamp:The Synthesis of Daoist Sacred Geography: A Textual Study of Du Guangting’s Dongtian fudi yuedu mingshan ji (901)*李靜:《[[高道傳]]》輯考*賀晏然:晚明南京道教格局的形成―― 以《金陵玄觀志》為中心的考察*黎志添:《[[太乙金華宗旨]]》的淨明源頭:清初常州[[呂祖]]乩壇信仰與[[淨明派]]的關係*許蔚:辛天君法與混元道法的構造*祝逸雯:上海正一道教過關儀式初探*吳偉明:近世日本[[關帝]]信仰初探'''書評'''*Mark Csikszentmihalyi:Celestial Masters: History and Ritual in Early Daoist Communities, by Terry F. Kleeman*李龢書:[[王皓月]]著,《[[析經求真:陸修靜與靈寶經關係新探]]》*[[蔣馥蓁]]:[[姜守誠]]著,《[[中國近世道教送瘟儀式研究]]》<br> ===第十期(2018年)==='''論文'''*Bony Schachter:Master Zhou Xuanzhen, The Editorial History of the Jade Slips of Great Clarity and Ming Quanzhen Identity*劉苑如:嵩山受璧/長安開霸——劉裕英雄試煉與創業神話敘述*劉陶:宋代道教「水火煉度」研究――以行煉方式為中心的考察*陸晶晶:扶乩信仰對清代道教醫學的推動與影響――以《醫道還元》為中心的研究'''書評'''*洪長成:[[程樂松]]著,《[[身體、不死與神秘主義:道教信仰的觀念史視角]]》*曹凌:[[劉屹]]著,《[[六朝道教古靈寶經的歷史學研究]]》*張鵬:劉祖國著,《[[魏晉南北朝道教文獻詞匯研究]]

