

創建新頁面為 ''''「道教與中國文化及社會的關係:新的研究方法與視野」國際學術研討會'''由香港中文大學道教文化研究中心和法國遠東學院合...'

*席文(Nathan Sivin) The Future of Daoist Studies and the Need for Generalists
*勞格文(John Lagerwey) What Daoism Did and could not Do for Chinese Religion and Culture
*François Lachaud Daoist Revivals in Edo Japan: Hermits, Lunatics and Eccentrics
*祁泰履(Terry Kleeman) Authority and Discipline in the Early Daoist Church
*王承文 古靈寶經中「天文」和「符圖」的釋讀與研究
*康豹(Paul Katz) Divine Justice and Martial Power in Taoist Exorcism
*遊子安 清末以來嶺南地區仙方、善書與呂祖信仰
*志賀市子 百年來廣東地區的扶鸞結社之興起與演變(1840-1953)
*羅柏松(James Robson) The Arrival, Spread, and Development of Daoism in the Central Hunan Region
*黎志添 The Zhengyi Huoju daoshi Tradition in Macau since the Nineteenth Century - Historical Change in the Wu Qingyun Daoist Hall in Macau
*王見川 清末日據初新竹的道士與張天師:兼談其時台灣北部宗教人物的「龍虎山朝聖」
*莫尼卡(Monica Esposito) The Daozang Jiyao Project and the Future of Daoist Studies
*高萬桑(Vincent Goossaert) The Modern History of Daoism State of the Field and Future Directions
*穆瑞明(Christine Mollier)About Daoist and Buddho-Daoist Cliff Sculptures of Sichuan during the Reign of Emperor Tang Xuanzong (r. 712-756)
*李松 對大足石門窟「三皇洞」的再認識
*尹翠琪 道教版畫研究:大英圖書館藏《玉樞寶經》四註本之年代及插畫考
*謝世維 靈圖、玉符與真文:早期道經中圖像觀念探討
*李豐楙 注連與解除:道教拔度儀中的非常死亡觀
*丸山宏 中國湖南省藍山縣瑤族度戒儀式與其儀式文書初探
*呂鵬志 靈寶六齋考
*方玲 「蒸胎」法事的研究
*張德貞 A Preliminary Study on a Penitential Ritual for Deliverance from Blood Lake Performed at Wun Chuen Sin Koon, Hong Kong
*謝聰輝 大人宮翁家道法外傳及其相關道壇考述
*劉迅 The Xuanmiao Monastery and the Modern Reforms in Nanyang
*尹志華 清代北京白雲觀住持(方丈)、監院傳承考
*王宗昱 北京東嶽廟恢復過程中的問題
*劉仲宇 都市化過程中的上海宮觀

[[en:International Conference on New Approaches to the Study of Daoism in Chinese Culture and Society]]